Skin Cancer Removal
About Skin Cancer Removal
What is it?
What happens if you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer? What are the options? What is the likelihood of successful treatment? Our dermatology specialists understand that skin cancer can affect not only physically, but psychologically as well. We are here to provide treatment, encouragement, strength, support, and answers to all your questions should you ever receive such a diagnosis. We’ll be by your side each step of the way, from diagnosis to prognosis to treatment and aftercare support. Most importantly, know that skin cancer is very treatable. Even melanoma, the most aggressive form of skin cancer, has a 90% five-year survivability rate for patients who receive treatment.
What to expect
Electrodessication and curettage (EC&D)
Excisional surgery
Mohs micrographic surgery
After the procedure
Our approach & expertise
Skin cancer is our specialty. We have a variety of highly-trained and experienced skin cancer specialists who have a wide array of treatment options at their disposal. During a skin cancer consultation at our center, our dermatologists will assess your unique case and customize a treatment program suited to your particular needs.