Mole removal is the process of removing benign or malignant moles for aesthetic or medical purposes.

Our dermatologists can remove dangerous or unsightly moles almost anywhere on the body. Mole removal is safe, effective, and virtually painless. The process of mole removal in a dermatologist’s office has been done for a number of decades and is FDA-approved.

Moles are detected during routine skin screenings done by our dermatologists, or you may know about a mole you’ve had your entire life. Moles may appear as you age, or a lifelong mole may change in shape, appearance, or size.

To be on the safe side, any mole that you have should be examined by your Texoma Associated Dermatologists dermatologist.

What is Mole Removal Used For?

There are many situations in which a person should seek help from a dermatologist for mole removal.

Moles can be indicative of a serious skin condition, such as melanoma. Left untreated, a malignant mole can grow into a life-threatening condition that may be irreversible.

There’s no reason to let things progress that far. With proper screening, a malignant mole can be detected and removed, and proper cancer treatment can take place.

Mole removal is also used to remove unsightly benign moles. Certain moles can be disfiguring, or they can appear in unflattering areas on the body.

You don’t have to be in a life-threatening situation to have mole removal at Texoma Associated Dermatologists.

Types of Mole Removal

Once you and your dermatologist have agreed that mole removal is the best next step, your dermatologist will decide which type of mole removal procedure to use.

The type of mole removal will depend upon your individual circumstances, the size and nature of the mole, and the reason for the mole removal.

  • Cryotherapy. Sometimes called cryosurgery or simply “freezing,” cryotherapy is a type of mole removal where the mole is frozen with liquid nitrogen, after which the mole releases from the skin and is discarded.
  • Laser therapy. A specialized laser can be used to remove benign moles. The intense, focused light beam neutralizes the cells within the mole, causing them to die and fall away. Multiple laser therapy visits may be needed for complete mole removal.
  • Shaving. Shallow moles may be removed with surgical shaving, where a scalpel is used to shave away the mole cells.
  • Excision. Surgical excision is used when a mole is deep and requires to be cut out. This procedure may also require stitches and can leave a small scar.

Am I a Candidate For Mole Removal?

Most patients can have their mole/s removed. There are few reasons why a mole cannot be removed. The main question is what kind of mole removal procedure is best for your unique circumstances.

Certain types of mole removal procedures may leave a small scar. If you are considering having a mole removed purely for esthetic reasons, you need to decide if it’s worth risking a scar in place of the mole, even if it’s a small scar.

All moles on the body should be carefully monitored. Our dermatologists at Texoma Associated Dermatologists are adept at identifying and diagnosing dangerous moles.

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“Dr. Mark Koone is a wonderful doctor. He has been our doctor for nearly 30 years. He is thorough and caring. We recommend him, without reservation.”

Bob & Susan S.